Eco3Ice X4
The compact Eco3Ice device uses a unique, synthetic diamond-vased technology that continuously treats incoming water used by ice machines, killing bacteria, yeast and mold in the ice-making path from beginning to end. Reduces biofilm build-up, greatly extending required time between cleanings. With each cycle, Eco3Ice creates a small, safe but effective amount ofg pure ozone - nature's own sanitizer - which continuously treats the machine interior, storage bin, remote bin and drains.
Suitable for all IOM Cube Ice Machines.
Fits most commercial ice machines with ice making capacity of 45kgs or larger with flow rate of us to 4.91lpm.
Do not connect Eco3Ice to other devices such as Beverage or Ice & Water Dispensers.
Not suitable for household ice makers.
Dimensions 97mm wide x 91mm deep x 203mm high
Specification Sheet
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